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Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. 12th Anniversary Celebration

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. 12th Anniversary Celebration

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-01-10
  • Views:0

(Summary description)In order to meet the 12th anniversary celebration of Liwang Company, on August 8th, during the day, the company launched a fun garden tour and prepared rich gifts; in the evening, the company presented awards for the celebration series and invited the Dongguan City-level art troupe to enter Liwang, and Li Wangren united a wonderful party for everyone, so that all Li Wang people will feast on their eyes and enjoy a cultural feast. 12th Anniversary Fun Tour Activities Small Gifts Warm the Heart On August 8, Liwang company fluttered colorful flags, banners hung high, filled with festive celebrations everywhere, Tiangong also made beauty, and changed the rainy and rainy weather a few days ago, It was sunny on the day of the celebration. The “work” on the day of the King Li celebration was play, and Li Dong said: Play is work too. Spend a memorable day with a series of fun garden tours. After the basketball finals and tug-of-war competitions were held, all-round fun garden tours began, including: riddles that ruffled heads, karaoke to release your mood, popular rings, darts that tested your eyesight, Cooperate with two acquaintances for three-legged and two-handed dribbles, highly coordinated checked ping-pong balls, and sports equipment that wins by strength. Different activities are arranged at different locations, and each event is provided with prizes. The way to give prizes is through employees actively participating in the event competition and earning their own efforts. This activity encourages employees to participate actively, give full play to their enthusiasm, intelligence, unity and cooperation, and the spirit of hard work, an active atmosphere, and create a harmonious and happy corporate atmosphere. Many people gathered at the site of each of the park activities, and some even arranged two or three long lines, but everyone waited with great interest for their own order. As long as everyone actively participated in all the activities, the first time there was no At the prize, you can continue to queue for the second and third time ... until you get the prize. The faces of the people receiving the prizes were full of smiles. They took the "trophy" and ran to the other event site happily ... Before the twelfth anniversary celebration ended, the Eagles won the team championship. All employees accompanied by Wang Yilu expressed their gratitude and led all employees to sing "Happy Birthday", wishing Wang a more brilliant tomorrow. After nearly a month of hard work, Li Wang ’s 12th anniversary celebration series finally ended on August 8. The results of the game were also announced. The Eagles won the team championship, the Endeavour team won the team runner-up, and the vanguard team won the team third place. The fellow travellers and the Shenzhou team won the fourth and fifth place in the group. Li Dong invited the captains of the five teams to take the team flags of each team to the stage, loudly shouted his slogan, and expressed blessings to the achievements of each team. Then, President Wang was invited to the stage to present honor certificates, bonuses for the five teams, and to present flowers to the captains. They praised the team's spirit of courage and solidarity, and hope everyone will continue to work hard. The results of this team match are the result of the joint efforts of all members of each team. After passing the six events of table tennis, billiards, rope skipping, fixed-point shooting, basketball, and tug of war, they have passed all the way, worked forward and worked hard. Grades. The party celebrates the birthday and dances a new wonderful performance. The art performance is scheduled to start at 7:30 pm on August 8th, but at 7 o'clock the stage is already full of seats, and the king is carrying his family members waiting for the good show. After the awards were awarded, with the sound of music, Li Wangren ushered in the long-awaited literary performance. The beautiful and festive opening dance kicked off the party, followed by thrilling acrobatic performances, Chinese classic Sichuan opera-changing face, full of Powerful singing, endless magic performances, beautiful dancing, funny humorous sketches, etc., took turns on the stage, interspersed with the Spring Festival classics of the past staff of the King Li: Past the positive energy sign language dance "National ", The world-famous" Jiangnan Stytle ", the show of" Washington Fashion Show ", the colorful performances brought by the art troupe and the superb performance of the actors, won warm applause and cheers from the audience. The performance that lasted for nearly two hours was an eye-opener for Li Wangren, and he witnessed the professional performance of “one minute on stage and ten years off the stage” from zero distance. All Li Wangren spent an unforgettable 12th anniversary celebration. This party also added a strong stroke to Li Wang ’s twelfth birthday. I wish Li Wang a new and exciting dance tomorrow. A song and dance "C

Guangdong Liwang New Energy Co., Ltd. 12th Anniversary Celebration

(Summary description)In order to meet the 12th anniversary celebration of Liwang Company, on August 8th, during the day, the company launched a fun garden tour and prepared rich gifts; in the evening, the company presented awards for the celebration series and invited the Dongguan City-level art troupe to enter Liwang, and Li Wangren united a wonderful party for everyone, so that all Li Wang people will feast on their eyes and enjoy a cultural feast. 12th Anniversary Fun Tour Activities Small Gifts Warm the Heart On August 8, Liwang company fluttered colorful flags, banners hung high, filled with festive celebrations everywhere, Tiangong also made beauty, and changed the rainy and rainy weather a few days ago, It was sunny on the day of the celebration. The “work” on the day of the King Li celebration was play, and Li Dong said: Play is work too. Spend a memorable day with a series of fun garden tours. After the basketball finals and tug-of-war competitions were held, all-round fun garden tours began, including: riddles that ruffled heads, karaoke to release your mood, popular rings, darts that tested your eyesight, Cooperate with two acquaintances for three-legged and two-handed dribbles, highly coordinated checked ping-pong balls, and sports equipment that wins by strength. Different activities are arranged at different locations, and each event is provided with prizes. The way to give prizes is through employees actively participating in the event competition and earning their own efforts. This activity encourages employees to participate actively, give full play to their enthusiasm, intelligence, unity and cooperation, and the spirit of hard work, an active atmosphere, and create a harmonious and happy corporate atmosphere. Many people gathered at the site of each of the park activities, and some even arranged two or three long lines, but everyone waited with great interest for their own order. As long as everyone actively participated in all the activities, the first time there was no At the prize, you can continue to queue for the second and third time ... until you get the prize. The faces of the people receiving the prizes were full of smiles. They took the "trophy" and ran to the other event site happily ... Before the twelfth anniversary celebration ended, the Eagles won the team championship. All employees accompanied by Wang Yilu expressed their gratitude and led all employees to sing "Happy Birthday", wishing Wang a more brilliant tomorrow. After nearly a month of hard work, Li Wang ’s 12th anniversary celebration series finally ended on August 8. The results of the game were also announced. The Eagles won the team championship, the Endeavour team won the team runner-up, and the vanguard team won the team third place. The fellow travellers and the Shenzhou team won the fourth and fifth place in the group. Li Dong invited the captains of the five teams to take the team flags of each team to the stage, loudly shouted his slogan, and expressed blessings to the achievements of each team. Then, President Wang was invited to the stage to present honor certificates, bonuses for the five teams, and to present flowers to the captains. They praised the team's spirit of courage and solidarity, and hope everyone will continue to work hard. The results of this team match are the result of the joint efforts of all members of each team. After passing the six events of table tennis, billiards, rope skipping, fixed-point shooting, basketball, and tug of war, they have passed all the way, worked forward and worked hard. Grades. The party celebrates the birthday and dances a new wonderful performance. The art performance is scheduled to start at 7:30 pm on August 8th, but at 7 o'clock the stage is already full of seats, and the king is carrying his family members waiting for the good show. After the awards were awarded, with the sound of music, Li Wangren ushered in the long-awaited literary performance. The beautiful and festive opening dance kicked off the party, followed by thrilling acrobatic performances, Chinese classic Sichuan opera-changing face, full of Powerful singing, endless magic performances, beautiful dancing, funny humorous sketches, etc., took turns on the stage, interspersed with the Spring Festival classics of the past staff of the King Li: Past the positive energy sign language dance "National ", The world-famous" Jiangnan Stytle ", the show of" Washington Fashion Show ", the colorful performances brought by the art troupe and the superb performance of the actors, won warm applause and cheers from the audience. The performance that lasted for nearly two hours was an eye-opener for Li Wangren, and he witnessed the professional performance of “one minute on stage and ten years off the stage” from zero distance. All Li Wangren spent an unforgettable 12th anniversary celebration. This party also added a strong stroke to Li Wang ’s twelfth birthday. I wish Li Wang a new and exciting dance tomorrow. A song and dance "C

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-01-10
  • Views:0

In order to meet the 12th anniversary celebration of Liwang Company, on August 8th, during the day, the company launched a fun garden tour and prepared rich gifts; in the evening, the company presented awards for the celebration series and invited the Dongguan City-level art troupe to enter Liwang, and Li Wangren united a wonderful party for everyone, so that all Li Wang people will feast on their eyes and enjoy a cultural feast. 12th Anniversary Fun Tour Activities Small Gifts Warm the Heart On August 8, Liwang company fluttered colorful flags, banners hung high, filled with festive celebrations everywhere, Tiangong also made beauty, and changed the rainy and rainy weather a few days ago, It was sunny on the day of the celebration. The “work” on the day of the King Li celebration was play, and Li Dong said: Play is work too. Spend a memorable day with a series of fun garden tours. After the basketball finals and tug-of-war competitions were held, all-round fun garden tours began, including: riddles that ruffled heads, karaoke to release your mood, popular rings, darts that tested your eyesight, Cooperate with two acquaintances for three-legged and two-handed dribbles, highly coordinated checked ping-pong balls, and sports equipment that wins by strength. Different activities are arranged at different locations, and each event is provided with prizes. The way to give prizes is through employees actively participating in the event competition and earning their own efforts. This activity encourages employees to participate actively, give full play to their enthusiasm, intelligence, unity and cooperation, and the spirit of hard work, an active atmosphere, and create a harmonious and happy corporate atmosphere. Many people gathered at the site of each of the park activities, and some even arranged two or three long lines, but everyone waited with great interest for their own order. As long as everyone actively participated in all the activities, the first time there was no At the prize, you can continue to queue for the second and third time ... until you get the prize. The faces of the people receiving the prizes were full of smiles. They took the "trophy" and ran to the other event site happily ... Before the twelfth anniversary celebration ended, the Eagles won the team championship. All employees accompanied by Wang Yilu expressed their gratitude and led all employees to sing "Happy Birthday", wishing Wang a more brilliant tomorrow. After nearly a month of hard work, Li Wang ’s 12th anniversary celebration series finally ended on August 8. The results of the game were also announced. The Eagles won the team championship, the Endeavour team won the team runner-up, and the vanguard team won the team third place. The fellow travellers and the Shenzhou team won the fourth and fifth place in the group. Li Dong invited the captains of the five teams to take the team flags of each team to the stage, loudly shouted his slogan, and expressed blessings to the achievements of each team. Then, President Wang was invited to the stage to present honor certificates, bonuses for the five teams, and to present flowers to the captains. They praised the team's spirit of courage and solidarity, and hope everyone will continue to work hard. The results of this team match are the result of the joint efforts of all members of each team. After passing the six events of table tennis, billiards, rope skipping, fixed-point shooting, basketball, and tug of war, they have passed all the way, worked forward and worked hard. Grades. The party celebrates the birthday and dances a new wonderful performance. The art performance is scheduled to start at 7:30 pm on August 8th, but at 7 o'clock the stage is already full of seats, and the king is carrying his family members waiting for the good show. After the awards were awarded, with the sound of music, Li Wangren ushered in the long-awaited literary performance. The beautiful and festive opening dance kicked off the party, followed by thrilling acrobatic performances, Chinese classic Sichuan opera-changing face, full of Powerful singing, endless magic performances, beautiful dancing, funny humorous sketches, etc., took turns on the stage, interspersed with the Spring Festival classics of the past staff of the King Li: Past the positive energy sign language dance "National ", The world-famous" Jiangnan Stytle ", the show of" Washington Fashion Show ", the colorful performances brought by the art troupe and the superb performance of the actors, won warm applause and cheers from the audience. The performance that lasted for nearly two hours was an eye-opener for Li Wangren, and he witnessed the professional performance of “one minute on stage and ten years off the stage” from zero distance. All Li Wangren spent an unforgettable 12th anniversary celebration. This party also added a strong stroke to Li Wang ’s twelfth birthday. I wish Li Wang a new and exciting dance tomorrow. A song and dance "Chinese Dream" for the farewell party, Li Dong and President Wang went to the stage to shake hands with all the staff to thank each other, the camera freezes the unforgettable moment. It is understood that the party was to celebrate the 12th anniversary of Liwang. The company invited the city-level art troupe to perform on the stage of Liwang. Li Dong and Tangxia Town Wenguang Center contacted and negotiated, and finally decided to enter Liwang on August 8th as a gift to Liwang Battery ’s twelfth birthday.

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0769-87885755/ 0769-87888652/0769-86201111
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